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This year, we at Bitrix24 are celebrating our 9th birthday. Over these nine years, not only have we grown, but we’ve been able to help over 8,000,000 teams grow their businesses with us. Now that’s a cause for celebration!

We’re very excited about our anniversary, and, as always, we want to share some of that birthday joy with all of you wonderful people! And what better way to do so than with huge discounts for all our users?


All discounts will apply automatically upon checkout from the 12th to 20th of April. You can also place the order through your local Bitrix24 partner.

And if you’re an existing client, get 30% off when you upgrade to any Business edition!

*Important: On-premise upgrades are available only to those with an active maintenance subscription.
Upgrades purchased with this discount can only be applied to licenses bought before April 12, 2021